Real Property Management Seacoast New Hampshire

The Importance of Exterior Lighting for Your Rochester Rental Home

To have your Rochester rental home protected and also be attractive to high-value renters, take a look at your exterior lighting. From basic safety to curb appeal, there are many reasons you should add exterior lighting to your rental home. If you have no exterior lighting systems installed in any of your rental properties yet, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of adding one.

The first benefit of exterior lighting is, well, light. Sufficient exterior lighting is very important for tenants to be comfortable and enjoy the home. They want to make use of the outdoor spaces after dark. They may want to use it for events with family or friends, or even to sit outside at night and enjoy the place alone; this is only possible with exterior lighting, making it attractive to tenants.

Everyone will also benefit from the improved safety and security exterior lighting offers. Some areas where this is extremely valuable are doors, walkways, driveways, and pools. Lighting these areas sufficiently goes a long way to prevent tenant injuries on your properties. Slips and falls are a major cause of tenant lawsuits and proper lighting can be extremely helping in avoiding these incidents.

Property values will rise and curb appeal will improve as well. A carefully designed exterior lighting system can enhance certain aspects of your property, create visual appeal, and showcase landscaping or architectural features. A well-lit house doesn’t only increase your property’s value but, on top of that, it attracts quality renters and helps retain them.

Finally, exterior lighting offers a significant value when it comes to home security. Criminals or vandals in search for easy victims will usually skip the house with a properly lit exterior. For spaces that would benefit from having lights placed, but don’t require it to be switched on throughout the night, you can install motion detecting lights. They serve well as a light-fueled mischief deterrent. The tenants, too, will get a greater sense of security in the home, making them want to lengthen their stay.

These reasons that we’ve enumerated would hopefully persuade you to look at exterior lighting, not just as an optional feature, but as an investment needed for your Rochester rental property. By installing exterior light fixtures in selected strategic places, you can design a safe and attractive rental property that you can benefit from for years to come. If you are interested in learning more about Real Property Management Seacoast New Hampshire or have questions regarding how our property management services can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us online or give us a ring at 603-343-2202 today.